Acrylic painting inspired by album art - Elizabeth O.
Glass Mosaic Coasters - Isabella I.
Inspired by Van Gogh's "Kingfisher" painting - Christiane B.
1 - Mixed media diorama.
2 - Acrylic painting.
3 - Digital art on an iPad.
Jonathan T.
1. Drawing that incorporates original symbols of the 7 Hermetic principles (Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, Gender)
2. Original symbol for the Christian trinity
Body Painting - Savannah S.
1. Day of the Dead
2. Wood Nymph
3. Aging and Gender
4. Cheetah
5. Antelope
6. Squid Hand
7. Owl Hand
Paper Quilling - Paige F.
Stuffed Cat - Luca V.
Handmade Colonial Accessories Period and Modern- Lissa G.
Period: blue cloak, pocket, green checked apron, white scarf
Modern Interpretations: Red cloak, blue flowered apron, green scarf
Acrylic Painting Inspired by Aruba - Abby B.